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Friday 18 March 2011

Friday Photos

Friday and an opportunity to try out the new camera in Great Yarmouth town centre.

My first subject was one of Anglian's white liveried Optare Solos. Their 332 (MX07JNV) was seen in Regent Road on the 14:10 Service 581 to Beccles. (top right)

Flushed with success in mastering the camera's instructions, I then went to the seafront where I saw a coach in the distance outside the Marina Centre. On closer inspection I found it to be Dennis Javelin HKZ1329 of the Smiths Coaches of Blofield fleet waiting for schoolchildren to board after swimming lessons. (bottom right)

Minutes later Lingwood-based DCP Travel's TIL7718 passed the Centre heading southwards. Not quick enough to get a photo!

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