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Saturday 30 April 2011

City Sights

Most of the day was spent in Norwich shopping, however, there was time view some of the City's bus activities around midday.

Not many unusual sightings, although there was a sign that summer is on its way with the McMaster Awaydays Leyland Olympian open topper G520VBB out on City Sightseeing duties. She started her life with Kentish Bus in 1990, then moved to Arriva London followed by a transfer to Norwich in 2008 for the City Sightseeing service. She is pictured here at Castle Meadow.

Smiths of Blofield Toyota Coaster BV55UES put in an appearance at Castle Meadow. The vehicle was new to Clarke and Rowley of Worcester in December 2005 and was acquired by Smiths approximately 12 months ago

Earlier, Sanders Mercedees Vario 703 YN09LME was on a contract working picking up passengers outside Castle Mall on Castle Meadow.

Two Norfolk Greens were seen on inward journeys along Castle Meadow; Tempo 106 YN58FXH and Solo 618 MX54WMJ. The latter had blue livery below the windows.

Other pictures taken on the day can be viewed on my Flickr website

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