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Friday 1 April 2011

Paper Review

This week's Great Yarmouth Mercury has a few bus related items of interest.

Firstly, the introduction of the new timetables from Sunday 28th March has already provoked comment. An article on page two relates the story of a lady from California (near Scratby - not the US one!) not being able to get home from work in the evening as there are no buses to Scratby between 18.45 and 22.45. She finishes work at 20.00. She either faces a long walk, a taxi or a change in her working hours. For the full article please click here.

Another lady has written to the paper about the removal of the No 2 Sunday service provided by First Eastern Counties. She points out that there a 'lot of older people...who rely on the service' and cannot walk too far.

Thirdly there is an article on the collapse of Lowestoft Travel with Trading Standards officials receiving nearly 40 complaints from customers wanting refunds. The company has ceased trading with hundreds of holidaymakers and concertgoers facing disappointment and possible financial loss. Full report here.

Finally Great Yarmouth and Acle firefighters raised money for a good cause when they offered to wash cars for a day. The Acle station got a surprise when two buses and a taxi from Our Bus turned up! Donations from the day went towards respite and rehabilitation centres for current and former firemen and their families.

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