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Wednesday 6 July 2011

School Daze

As if to reinforce my post of yesterday, only six vehicles were sighted at Beach Coach Station inluding regular visitors Shearings 217 BF10VCK and a Whippet Volvo B10M.

As the TV weatherman suggested that I 'should make the most of the last warm sunny day before the rain moves in from the west', I had a brisk walk in the sunshine along the town's seafront. As I ventured nearer to the Sealife Centre I saw what I thought was an outline of a dark blue decker parked up.

A closer inspection revealed it to be Volvo Ailsa/Northern Counties SRC109X. Legal lettering showed it to be owned by Norwich School (the former Grammar School) of The Close in Norwich. The vehicle was new to Derby City Transport as their 109 in February 1982. (Source: Bus Lists on the Web). A surprising find!

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