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Tuesday 6 September 2011

Anglian's New Tridents

As you may have seen in the two previous postings, Anglianbus has acquired three former Stagecoach London Alexander ALX400 bodied Dennis Tridents from Ensignbus.

So far only two of the Anglan liveried vehicles have been noted in service and both have been featured on this blog with pictures from Grahame Bessey and Syd Eade. For the record these two vehicles are 508 X251NNO and 510 X386NNO. The third Trident is 509 X309NNO

Grahame was in Lowestoft yesterday evening and was more prepared this time to get an excellent picture of 508 leaving Lowestoft Bus Station. My thanks to Grahame for the use of the photo.

© Grahame Bessey

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