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Monday 14 November 2011

12,000 Sign Fair Fares Campaign

The importance of Norfolk County Council's Fair Fares Concessionary Travel Scheme campaign is highlighted in a report to be presented to its Cabinet today which warns of higher costs during the next financial year.

In the current year the Government allocation to Norfolk is £7.3m - some £4.5m short of the actual coat of running the Scheme. The County Council and bus operators have agreed to share some of that shortfall, but that still leaves a £3m burden on Council Tax payers and a strain on other services, including rural transport support.

At least 12,000 people have already joined the campaign calling on the Government to fairly fund the concessionary bus scheme. Fair Fares has also been gathering momentum nationally with Buckinghamshire County Council pledging wholehearted support for the Norfolk-led campaign.

The Fair Fares online petition can be accessed via either the County Council's website or through the Go Petitions website

Approval of the campaign can also be registered through the Fare Fares Campaign Facebook page 

Petitions are also available for signing in Norfolk County Council Libraries

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