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Tuesday 3 January 2012

Happy Birthday!

The first eastnorfolkbus blog on 3rd January 2011
Today is the blog's first birthday. It doesn't seem that long since I started on this journey and what a journey it has been. Whilst the number of visits to the blog haven't been earth shattering, the number  received has been surprisingly high.

As expected, most of the page views (80 per cent) have come from persons based in the United Kingdom. The USA was second placed with, no doubt, a high number of visits from a former Great Yarmouth resident now living in North Carolina!

Europe was also significantly represented with a large number of hits from Germany, the Netherlands and Italy. The eastern hemisphere figured strongly with visits from India (ranked third), Indonesia, Pakistan and Singapore. Surprisingly Russia was placed 5th!

What were you all looking at then? Well my Italian Holiday attracted the most number of visits, followed by More Shearings and Busy Beccles. Also following closely behind was June's Bus Event at the East Anglia Transport Museum and a Dull Day at Dereham - which was anything but!

Thank you all for your interest and support over the past twelve months - let's hope the coming year will provide as much (if not more) interest in the local bus scene.

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