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Monday 7 May 2012

Musical Chairs 2

Following the posting on local First Eastern Counties' transfers at the beginning of May, Grahame Bessey has updated the information.

Dennis Dart 43359 (V359DVG) has moved to Lowestoft from Essex joining recently arrived sisters 43357/8 (V357/8DVG). 43360 (V360DVG) is also expected to join them at Lowestoft shortly.

First Eastern Counties Solo 53122 (EO02NFD) seen in Norwich on
31st March this year 
Lowestoft Dart 42447 (R447CCV) and Norwich's Optare Solo's 53121/2 (EO02NFC/D) are moving in the opposite direction.

Two Lowestoft and Great Yarmouth Darts have swapped places - 42429 (P429ORL) transferring to Suffolk with 43465 (R465CAH) moving north

Former Ipswich Darts 43433/5/40 remain at Great Yarmouth depot for now and have been seen out and about on local services

Subsequent Update:
43465 is still allocated to Lowestoft but temporarily operating out of Caister Road. Similarly Lowestoft's 43450 (R450CCV) is also currently working from Great Yarmouth

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