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Saturday 7 July 2012

Latest Anglianbus Arrival

The fourth Scania Omnicity from London's Metrobus operation has been noted on the road in Anglianbus colours.

Grahame Bessey was fortunate to capture Anglian's 445 (YN05HFE) laying over between duties outside Lowestoft Police Station on Old Nelson Street on 27th June

This leaves just YN05HFG to be accounted for and, by a process of elimination, it should receive fleetnumber 446.

So for the record the ex Metrobus vehicles now numbered in the Anglianbus fleet are as follows:-

442 YN05HFH
443 YN05HFJ
444 YN05HFF
445 YN05HFE
446 YN05HFG

Again my thanks to Grahame Bessey for the photo.

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