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Friday 24 August 2012

AnglianBus Tridents Begin to Arrive

As exclusively revealed on the eastnorfolkbus blog, AnglianBus is to receive four Tridents from elsewhere within the Go-Ahead Group

It transpires that all will be sourced from Brighton and Hove and the first was noted by regular correspondent Tim Miller at Car & Commercials of Beccles on Wednesday.

Brighton's T813RFG, which has London General legal lettering, is pictured in their very busy yard!
Stephen Wright on east-anglia-buses yahoo group identifies the remaining three as T811/12/15 RFG with the last two also having London General legals - speculating that they may have been used in connection with the London Olympics

My appreciation goes to Tim Miller for the report and pictures. Thanks also to Neil Chilvers for the clarification of the location.

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