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Friday 7 September 2012

AnglianBus Trident Update

The second of the former Brighton & Hove Tridents has been released from the confines of the Car & Commercials site in Beccles

T812RFG is the second of the four to receive AnglianBus colours - joining sister T813RFG.

Fortunately Tim Miller was on hand to record its escape and she looks very smart in this afternoon's sun

The two others have been operating in service in their Brighton & Hove colours; although T815RFG needed some attention to its front end at Car and Commercials before it could run in service

In fact Paul Bennett reports the use of T811RFG all last week on the Kessingland to Beccles run to the Sir John Leman School

No doubt those of you visiting the Trolleybus Gala Weekend at Carlton Coleville will be keeping an eye out for them!

My thanks to Tim Miller for the regular supply of updates and photos and to Paul Bennett for his report too.

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