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Sunday 23 September 2012

Last Day of the 3/3A

RML2480 at the Hemsby terminus
Yesterday was the last day of operation of this season's 3/3A route operated by First in Great Yarmouth with regular correspondent Grahame Bessey recording the event

The 3/3A provided a circular route connecting Newport Caravan Park in Hemsby with Great Yarmouth's Seashore and Vauxhall Holiday Parks via the town centre and seafront.
Olympian 34109 was a substitute for the other Routemaster 

The route was operated by two heritage buses and two accessible buses providing alternate journeys

Both of the First Eastern Counties Routemasters have been in regular heritage service during the season with RML2480 JJD480D again prominent yesterday.

However sister RML2623 NML623E was unavailable having
First's B7 32201 LT52WTE negotiates the turn at Hemsby on the 3A service

been taken over to Lowestoft to appear in their carnival today

Her place on the 3 was taken by Volvo Olympian 34109 W346CWX

Volvo B7TLs 32201 LT52WTE & 32211 LT52WTU were used on the 3A duties

Ii is understood that the use of  Routemasters has been successful although one wonders if they will return in 2013.
RML 2623 on Regent Road during her last day on the route
Photo copyright Syd Eade
As a postscript RML2623's last duty on the route was on Friday

Syd Eade captured the red Routemaster on its last day on the 3 at Regent Road

At the wheel is regular photographic contributor James Race

My thanks to regular contributors Grahame Bessey and Syd Eade for their reports and photos

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