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Tuesday 25 September 2012

Multi-Coloured Bus Spot

32107 LT02ZCX on the Pink Line

The newly named First Norwich bus network began operating in the city on Sunday last with buses being colour coded to 'simplify' the Norwich bus network for passengers

Grahame Bessey visited the 'fine city' yesterday to witness the first weekday operation of the network; despite the threat of heavy rain throughout the day!

33113 LT02NVX on Red Line working
In addition to the numerous pictures, Grahame sends me an extensive report highlighting the buses on their respective branded routes

Red Line
32104  33113  33146  33158  33234 33235  33242  33244

Yellow Line
33056  33149

Orange Line
32101  33150  33160  33162  33169

Purple Line
33003  33152  33163  33166  53118 53119  53120  66328  66330

66347 MV02VDA on Turquoise Line
Turquoise Line
32112  66347

Green Line
66301  66326  66334  66335  66337 66341  66342  66344  66345

Blue Line
36166  36167  36168  36169  36170 36174  36175  36176  36177  36179

Pink Line
32102  32107  33055  33246  33247

White spare 33058 LN51GJK
White (Spare)
33058  33154  33156  33170  33171 33236  33237  33238  33239  33245 36172  36173  36180  53122  53123 53124  66324  66325  66329  66332 66336  66339  66957  66959  69011

He reports that all Norwich vehicles are now branded except for Dart 43483 R683DPW which is expected to move to Essex shortly.

My appreciation goes to Grahame for his thorough and detailed report and for the many pictures he provided

It's a pity I couldn't use them all!

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