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Thursday 22 November 2012

Swift Withdraws the 206

Swift Javelin G470LVG and Dart FJ53VDL at the Southtown yard
The VOR sign can be seen in the windcreen of the Javelin
Swift Taxis are to cease operating the 206 service with effect from the 19th December

The service, which links Blofield to Great Yarmouth's Gallon Pot PH via South Walsham, Acle and Filby runs just one return journey on Wednesdays only - market day. The current timetable can be viewed here

On the vehicle front, Swift's Dennis Javelin G470LVG has been noted at their Southtown yard with a VOR disc in the front windscreen. This means that this one time Caroline Seagull vehicle is not allowed back on the road until mechanical defects have been overcome.

Passing the yard yesterday afternoon, I noted that Swifts' only Dart FJ53VDL was still parked at the rear of the site currently out of use. This vehicle used to see constant use on the 206 route

My thanks to Joe Watson at Norwich Bus Page for his help with this article including the photo

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