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Thursday 24 January 2013

Latest AnglianBus Developments

It was reported in the Eastern Daily Press today that an Anglian bus caught fire at Ellough in Beccles late yesterday afternoon on its way back to the depot.

It is thought the cause might have been an electrical or engine problem with a diesel bus which received significant damage. Damage was also done to the road surface.requiring the Highways Agency to be called out. At the moment the identity of the vehicle involved is not known.

On a positive note, two more of Anglian's new MAN EcoCity gas powered buses were due to enter service on the 588 route yesterday between Haleworth and Norwich via Bungay. This now brings the total to ten of them now in service with just three more outstanding.

For the record the fleet numbers and corresponding registrations of the ten already in service are:-

601 WX62HHP      602 WX62HGU      603 WX62HHF      604 WX62HHE      605 WX62HGG
606 WX62HFU      607 AU62DWN      608 AU62DWL      609 AU62DWG     610 AU62DWC

My thanks to Grahame Bessey for confirming the details of the recent four entering service


  1. The fire damaged bus was an optare solo, bus number 400.

  2. You are correct in that the vehicle concerned was No 400 X228WRA, but she is an Optare Excel
