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Thursday 7 March 2013

Lucky Thirteeen

Anglianbus now has all thirteen of their MAN EcoCity gas fueled buses ready and available for service.

The buses are part funded under round three of the government’s Green Bus Fund which is aimed at reducing fuel emission levels by encouraging bus operators and local councils to use more eco-friendly vehicles.

The company has invested £2.6 million in the 13 new vehicles with the first of the last batch of three beginning to appear in service yesterday.

For the record details of all thirteen vehicles are as follows:-

601 WX62HHP        602 WX62HGU        603 WX62HHF        604 WX62HHE        605 WX62HGG
606 WX62HFU        607 AU62DWN        608 AU62DWL        609 AU62DWG       610 AU62DWC
611 AU13FBJ         612 AU13FBK          613 AU13FBL

Many thanks to Zak Nelson for identifying the last two vehicles

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