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Tuesday 11 June 2013

Fourth Dart In Service

Jersey exile now First 43860 EG52FGF in service today
A fourth ex Jersey Dart/ Caetano Nimbus was noted in service with First Great Yarmouth today

She was 43860 EG52FGF and was noted surprisingly operating on the service 8 to the James Paget Hospital in Gorleston

She was previously registered J101720 when with Connex Jersey

Sister Great Yarmouth based 43862 EG52FGK was also observed in Lowestoft operating on the 1A route

My thanks to Grahame Bessey for
the report and photo

Note this post amends the previous entry when I incorrectly identified 43859 as the fourth Jersey exile to  enter service - she was in fact the third active one!. My apologies for the confusion

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