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Sunday 9 June 2013

Where Are They Now ~ CHZ4796

Former Reynolds CHZ4796 now with W E Jones of Llanerchymedd 
pictured in Conway on 23rd May
Another in our where are they now series and under the spotlight this time is CHZ4796

Until recently, Plaxton Paramount 3200 III bodied Dennis Javelin CHZ4796 was owned by Reynolds of Caister

New as J799FTS to Riddler of Arbroath in February 1992, Reynolds acquired her from Bicknell of Godalming some seven years later

Reynolds reregistered her as CHZ4796 and she was given the name Lady Jennifer; a Reynolds tradition of naming their vehicles with ladies names

Earlier this year she passed to W E Jones & Son of Llanerchymedd and was observed in Conway during May still in Reynolds livery and retaining her former owner's fleet names.

A photo of the sighting by Photosel37 is reproduced here, with his kind permission, and he confirms to me that the vehicle shows Jones legal lettering

My thanks to Photosel37 for allowing me to use his photo on my blog

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