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Wednesday 28 August 2013

EATM End Of Season Gala

The East Anglia Transport Museum at Carlton Colville, near Lowestoft, are holding their End of Season Gala over the weekend of the 14th and 15th of September

In addition to the usual attractions, the National Trolleybus Association (NTA) are looking to commemorate their 50th anniversary. As a part of their celebration,  they are moving Huddersfield Trolleybus 541 from Sandtoft to Carlton Colville for the event so that it can operate together with Bournemouth 202 also owned by the NTA

Regular readers of this blog will remember articles relating to Huddersfield Corporation with a feature on the Huddersfield Trolleybuses appearing on the blog on 18th July last (including photos kindly supplied by Syd Eade)

As usual, the gala includes free regular bus services to Lowestoft and Beccles using the museum's fleet of preserved buses. Also available are vintage bus tours of Lowestoft and its museums. Time tables are available here on the EATM website

Sponsored by Anglianbus, the Gala begins at 1:00pm on Saturday with after dark running until 9:00pm. Sunday opening times are 10:30am to 5:00pm.

Click on the poster to see a larger image

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