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Thursday 14 November 2013

Local Decker Activity

37574 AU58ECY in North Denes Road on service 8 to the James Paget this afternoon 
Two further former X1 Geminis arrived at Caister Road earlier this week in the shape of 37574 AU58ECY and 37577 AU58EDF following their repaint at Full Circle.

Both Geminis were out this afternoon on the James Paget Hospital to Caister service 8

Also noted in use on the 13:20 service 7 to Belton was Volvo Olympian 34111 W431CWX. It appears this working is regularly worked by a decker although during the day the route is usually operated by saloons

Olympian 34109 W436CWX shows Africa Alive as its destination!
Three Olympians saw use on the Bernard Mathews contract - 34114 W434CWX was seen leading 34186 S686AAE along North Denes Road, whilst 34109 W436CWX was waiting on Beaconsfield Road to join the procession along Nelson Road North

However, instead of displaying a relevant Bernard Matthews destination, 34109 was showing 'Africa Alive Park and Ride'!

I then continued to Harley Road to see what lie in the rear yard of First's Caister Road depot. Volvo Olympian 34108 W435CWX was in the same position as before but with a notice on the passenger entry door stating 'Vehicle on reserve No parts to be removed'

Also in the rear compound were Great Yarmouth Driver Trainer VolvoB10M/Plaxton Premier 20109 N609APU and Volvo B10BLE 60813 S664RNA

X1 Enviro400 33818 YX63LKG unusually makes an appearance at Caister Road
Meanwhile, at the front of the depot Enviro400 33818 YX63LKG arrived via Northgate Street and Caister Road showing its X1 destination.

One can only speculate as to whether it had been taken out of service at Market Gates?

After five minutes or so, it reversed off the forecourt and headed southwards along Lawn Avenue

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