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Monday 23 December 2013

Seasons Greetings & Thanks

Festive Freddie now appearing on First's buses
Photo courtesy of Grahame Bessey 
2013 has been a very busy year indeed, which is reflected in the 379 posts (so far!) compared to only 246 in the year previously. This activity will no doubt be reflected in our annual review and I would like to thank all of you who have contributed to the blog during this past year

A special mention must be made for the tireless contributions from Grahame Bessey, Ryan, Syd Eade and Tim Miller

My thanks also go to James Race, Neil Chilvers, Tim Major, Joe Leathers Watson, Christian Newsome, James Long, Rob Collins, SteveW, Terry Wilkins, Zak Nelson, Mike Sayer, Jamie Skinner, Harry Stanley, Sam Larke and Chris L for their support too. My apologies if I have left anyone out!

Finally, eastnorfolkbus would like to wish all of its readers, supporters and contributors a very merry Christmas and a happy new year. We will return after Christmas with our usual review

All the very best


  1. A joyous Christmastide you and your family Roy.

    Thanks for keeping this ol' Norfolk boy up to date on the East Norfolk bus scene.

    However good (or bad) those plastic shoeboxes are speeding around the streets of my home town I still prefer the blue and cream Massey bodied PD2s and Regent Vs when Yarmouth WAS great (and the most expensive fare was 6d (Service 3 Newtown (Racecourse) to Gorleston (Green Ace)).

    All the best for 2014.

    Mick Capon
    Durham, North Carolina

  2. All the very best Roy have a good'un thanks for a great 2013 and see you in the New Year for more top blogging.
