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Friday 6 December 2013

New Blogs To Watch Out For!

With East Norfolk Bus Blog entering its fourth year at the end of the 2013, I thought it was about time I gave some plugs to two newcomers who have just started or revamped their blogs

It is particularly good to see these being set up by comparative youngsters in contrast to a retired oldie like me who established his to keep him active in his later years (Not that old mind you!)

Cameron Robinson has established his Yarmouth Bus Page for some time now but it has recently undergone a revamp. It is beginning to develop into a useful source of information so I had best be on top form in the future!

The second has been set up by Sam Larke who has left Norwich Bus Page to start his own blog. Going under the name of Norwich Buses, Sam has built up quite a library of photos on his Flickr site too

Both blogs deserve your support (after you have visited East Norfolk Bus Blog of course!) and they remind me of the times in my formative years when I used to be as enthusiastic as they are!

You can find the blogs by clicking on the links in this post or by going to the 'Other Blogs Of Interest' section of this site at anytime

Good luck Cameron and Sam with the blogs, which I will look out for with keen interest!

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