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Friday 17 January 2014

Lowestoft Loanee

Great Yarmouth loanee LT52WTO on the 101 in Carlton Colville
The two earlier posts have mentioned the loan of Great Yarmouth's President 32208 LT52WTO to Lowestoft

Syd Eade got a photo of her working the Lowestoft town 101 route in Ashburnham Way, Carlton Colville

He comments 'I think the bus stop is worth a mention as a glowing symbol of co-ordination between contractors. The path was raised to allow level entry to buses, so the next arrival was a bus shelter right on top of it! So now passengers have to walk on the muddy grass at the side to board. You can't make it up!'

My thanks to Syd for the report and photo - the latter is copyrighted to him

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