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Thursday 9 January 2014

Lowestoft Route 115 Photos

Following Christian Newsome's report on the  Lowestoft 115 service starting on Monday last, regular reporter Syd Eade sent some photos of the Suffolk Norse minibus in service

Syd says 'The first bus of the day turned up slightly late at Green Drive, which was extended to a six minute late departure once everyone had got on-board. The bus has to do a reversal here to reach the stop, so plenty of chances to get a photo. 
Two views of Suffolk Norse Irisbus YG52LGA on the 115 route
 in Green Drive and Swain Court yesterday
The winter light was again poor, but they came out average. The fact it was a service bus was very poorly marked, only a card with the route number being displayed in the windscreen almost entirely obscured by the wipers!

Interestingly the stop is at SWAIN Court, not Swan Court as shown in the timetable!'

My thanks go to Syd for his report and the photos which remain his copyright

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