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Friday 21 February 2014

First Leicester Update

32062 W422SRP being worked on at Caister Road
this afternoon. Photo taken from the public
footway in front of the depot forecourt
Following the previous post, our First Leicester reporter Neil Beasley has contacted me regarding the state of play with the remaining five ALX400s due to transfer to Great Yarmouth soon:-
  • 32061 is off service and parked up at Leicester's Abbey Lane depot.
  • 32058, 32059, 32064 and 32065 were still on service on Wednesday

He says '32062 has an interesting bit of history. It was the bus used in the "Vicky Pollard" sketch of TV comedy show "Little Britain", for which I took the bus to London for the filming work. The sketch was actually filmed whilst driving around the north circular road! '

He adds 'I hope Yarmouth does something with the front destination equipment in buses 32064 and 32065. A section of dots do not flip over, meaning that the message doesn't display properly. Leicester were never bothered to remedy the problem. The kit is the original from new though. Here's a photo of 32065 to show what I mean'

Many thanks to Neil Beasley for the above information

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