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Saturday 15 February 2014

The Cascade Begins

One of the deckers destined for Great Yarmouth is W223XBD
It currently resides at First Leicester's Abbey Lane depot
Photo: Daniel Mears
With twelve of the thirty-five ex First London Enviro400s now in service with First Leicester, the cascade of buses has now begun. As exclusively revealed on this blog back in early December, some of the deposed First Leicester deckers will be heading our way

My contact Neil Beasley tells me that 'Geminis 32628, 32631, 32640, 32641 & 32642 are now in service in Essex. They are currently working from Basildon but unsure if they're still ultimately destined for Hadleigh. Sadly they've entered service without getting repaints which perpetuates a rather low grade image in my view, particularly 32628 with its tired "Buses are the future" body wrap.'

The W registered Alexander ALX400 bodied Volvo B7TL double-deckers, of which Great Yarmouth expects to receive seven, have also started to transfer to other depots

Neil continues '32053 and 32054 are now in service at Newcastle under Lyme (Potteries). At least one of the buses for Yarmouth, 32063 W223XBD, is parked up at Leicester's Abbey Lane depot, so I wouldn't imagine it being too much longer until something moves east.'

Twenty one of the former London Enviro400s have so far been delivered to First Leicester

My thanks to Neil for the update from First Leicester and to Daniel Mears for the photo

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