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Wednesday 12 March 2014

Gemini 36180 in St Stephens Street before Norwich Network implementation

MOT Work

Following a message from Ryan during yesterday evening, it appears that we in the wrong part of the town to witness unusual activity yesterday!

Firstly, the Norwich Network sighting reported by Jamie yesterday was thought to have been Gemini 36168 BD11CFN, in Great Yarmouth for an MOT

Two others arrived for MOT work including 36180 BD11CDZ; with Ryan collecting a third Norwich bus in the shape of Wright Eclipse 66327 MV02VBB

Regarding the local allocation, Olympian 34109 W436CWX was undergoing inspection yesterday whilst President 32208 LT52WTO was experiencing a few problems

Recent Leicester arrival, 32061 W221XBD,was given a good clean yesterday and it shouldn't be too long before it enters service

My thanks to Ryan for his report


  1. Looking at that lot they must be getting full up in the garage bit. If I am right they don't have a garage facility in the city as such now. Top blogging Mr N !!

  2. This morning another Norwich network bus came through market gates, sister BD11 EDZ.
