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Monday 24 March 2014

Jamie's Corner

From time to time I have featured reports from one of the blog's younger contributors Jamie Skinner

I am pleased to include his latest report as it reflects well on one of First's drivers and I will let Jamie take up the story:-

'I was waiting for the 17:15 Number 5 to Burgh Castle (last bus of the day) on Saturday at Southtown Road to go to a family meal at theirs on Burgh Rd near Rainbow stores. The driver of the 5 didn't see me because a number 1 decker was in front.. That was that and I missed it. So I started walking along Southtown Road planning to get the next bus and walking from Halfway House.

The driver of the 1 spotted that I had missed it and stopped in the middle of the road and said "hop on and will see if I can catch up!" Foot to the floor the driver caught it up at the High Street and thankfully the 5 stayed and I managed to get on it and go to where I was going!

I didn't catch the fleet number or the driver's details but he was young and the bus was an Ex Leicester. I even got a pic not planning to miss the 5! You can see the problem in how close the buses were!'

Thanks for the report and photo Jamie - it's good to see drivers doing that extra bit to help the customer.

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