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Saturday 29 March 2014

Jamie's Corner

Another couple of reports from regular contributor Jamie Skinner

Jamie reports earlier today that he was surprised to see Volvo Olympian 34114 W434 CWX on the 1 Lowestoft-Bound just before half 4 today in Gorleston High Street! On checking the timetable it was the 13:21 Martham to Lowestoft service. Unfortunately he was unable to get a photo of the event

Jamie also saw Ambassador Travel's Volvo B10M GLZ1270 yesterday and was concerned about the state of it. The previously damaged but repaired Volvo B10M sees continuous use; 'the bumper was driven up a verge ages ago and fibre glassed over then painted. This time it features red gaffer tape and is gushing out black smoke!'

My thanks to Jamie for his updates

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