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Friday 9 May 2014

Olympian Fest

Jamie's photo of 34108 lurking in the gloom of  Market Gates
Regular contributor Jamie Skinner reported earlier this morning that, as he alighted from his X1 from Norwich, he saw an Olympian ready to leave on the service 8 to Caister

It was 34108 W435CWX lurking in the dark of Market Gates Bus Station. Before departing with the 10:28 to Caister Jamie managed to get a photo. He also witnessed the vehicle on the 8s this afternoon too; so it appears to have been on the route most of the day

Another Olympian spotted by Jamie was 34111 W431CWX heading for Martham on the 1 just before midday. A change of route meant that I observed the same
34111 on Southtown Road at around 2pm destined for Belton on the 7

That wasn't the last of it, as another Olympian was on the Bernard Matthews workings.

Olympian 34109 trails President 32212 on Bernard Matthews contract
34109 W436CWX was noted with President 32212 LT52WTV passing Beach Coach Station at around 2:15pm

Jamie also saw 34187 S687AAE returning from Bernard Matthews earlier today

So at least four Olympians were out earning their keep today - something missed by SteveW?

My thanks to Jamie for his reports and photo

1 comment:

  1. Oh damn!! I cancelled today after getting drenched seeing nothing yesterday and the forecast today. I'm out on Monday so to whoever does the allocating at Yarmouth PLEASE put them out again! Oh - I assume 34114 was plying her trade in Lowestoft on the 101's which would make 5 out today.
