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Tuesday 27 May 2014

Recent Arrival Appears On The X2

37562, a recent transfer from Great Yarmouth to Lowestoft passes through a very
damp Beccles this morning. Note the removal of the decals referring to its previous 
home with Lowestoft branding yet to be applied 
Regular contributor Tim Miller tweeted me this morning to say that the recent Lowestoft arrival was being employed on the X2 between the Suffolk town and Norwich

He observed Gemini 37562 FJ08FYN passing through Beccles with 8:10 service from Lowestoft. He awaited the return working and managed to get a photo of the bus passing through Beccles with the 09:45 from Norwich

My thanks to Tim for the report and photo

1 comment:

  1. Not the first time it has worked the X2. It worked when it was here before the 17:28 from Norwich on 09/02/2010
