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Wednesday 4 June 2014

Blog Changes

The blog logo - former Great Yarmouth Corporation EX6566
As you will have seen by the record number of posts during last month, things have become quite hectic on the blog. Added to this I will be taking a well earned (hope you will agree!) three week break in the USA later in June. Hopefully, I will be able to bring you the odd post from there on bus sightings.

However, that means there will be a gap to fill with local activity and I know just the man to do it! He has freely volunteered his help and he will be of no stranger to you all. That person is Grahame Bessey and you will have already benefited from his good quality photos on the blog for some time now

Grahame has already prepared his first post which follows this one under the pseudonym of Norfolkbus. Be gentle with him!

1 comment:

  1. Have a great vacation Roy!

    I expect you will notice some changes since your last visit (depending on where you will be of course).

    Bus usage here in NC is steadily increasing and local fleets are 99% low-floor and 40% hybrid.

    You've left the blog in good hands. Grahame, like you and I, is a "True Blue" (Bus that is).

    Enjoy you trip.
