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Thursday 12 June 2014

Throw Back Thursday

LFS 54 54CPW at Great Yarmouth's Wellington Road site
Some of you will have a Twitter account and be aware of the feature 'Throw Back Thursday'. So I thought that as Peter Warner had recently sent me an old photo of a decker at the old Eastern Counties Wellington Road premises I would publish it today

Peter says 'I was looking through some slides taken many years ago and found the attached. I have no fleet number reference for the vehicle but it looks either that its just had a repaint in NBC 'poppy red' or alternatively it has been de-commissioned! Any thoughts on when, the status of the vehicle and the bus fleet number? I would guess late 1970's maybe?'

LFS 54, 54CPW is a Bristol FS5G with Eastern Coach Works bodywork and it's still with us today! After conversion for use as a caravan in Blackpool it is now in the process of being preserved by a certain Julian Patterson! Its history and further photos can be viewed HERE See comment below for an update

My thanks to Peter for the photo

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