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Thursday 24 July 2014

Borderbus New 146 Service

BB09BUS at Beccles Old Market on the 146 to Southwold
Today saw the first day of the operation of the Borderbus 146 service between Southwold and Norwich via Beccles

Three Enviro 200s have been acquired for the service, BB09BUS, BB59BUS and BB62BUS, with the first two being noted in service at Beccles Old Market Place around lunchtime today

There is the possibility
Enviro SK07HLU lurks in Brands yard yesterday
that there is a fourth single decker as Enviro 200 SK07HLU, was seen by eagle eyed Tim Miller lurking in Brands yard in Beccles yesterday.

Earlier in the month it had been noted in Mardens yard in London red having seen service with London United and NCP Challenger. Click HERE for the link to the photo on Gricerman's Flickr site

Whilst in the area, I looked in at the Borderbus premises and found just the sole Plaxton President X662LLX on site basking in the sun

My Thanks to Tim for his photo and report on SK07HLU

1 comment:

  1. One of the Tridents was up London RD next to the chassis wash
