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Sunday 24 August 2014

Eastern Transport Collection Rally 2014

32479 AU53HJV or VA479 as she is now known
An invite from First Business Manager Chris Speed to go down to Ipswich and collect recently refurbished Volvo B7TL 32479 and attend the ETC Rally was an opportunity not to be waived, we set off around 7.30am, collected the bus and headed back north to Old Buckenham Airfield.

Around 25 Vehicles in attendance with only First having vehicles on show from current local operators. Yarmouth depot supplied Enviro 33423 and Routemaster 39623 plus 32479 of course!

Winner of Best Vehicle AJN825
Plenty of familiar faces had also made the trip with most local bloggers attending making it quite a nice social event also.

The trophy for best vehicle on the day went to Westcliff On Sea AJN825 which had made the trip from Essex.

Lowestoft Corporation Leyland PBJ2F made the trip in the hands of new owners Syd Eade, Richard Algar and Daniel Peart and looked in fine condition in the August sunshine.

Lowestoft 12 PBJ 2F
Eastern Counties were well represented with various types of preserved vehicles mixing with members of the current fleet including Bristol VR GNG710N which wears 1977 Silver Jubilee livery and open topper OCK995K which is currently in use with Carlton Colville Transport Museum.
Jim Long caught us on the A14 showing a special destination!

Overall a very enjoyable day catching up with old friends and meeting a few new faces, even bumping into a friend who had actually flown his own plane into the airfield from London!
Plenty of photos were taken and will be up on my Flickr site in the next few days.

Finally, Thanks to Chris Speed for arranging the use of 32479 and to all the members of the ETC for a great day.

Next Stop Duxford and Showbus!!


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