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Thursday 28 August 2014

#tbt Throw Back Thursday

Four of the ten Olympians at Caister Road depot on  Sunday 10th February 2007 
Twitter users will be aware of the meaning of #tbt - for those not in the know it stands for throw back thursday which provides the excuse for uploading old photos

My contribution is a photo from 2007 showing four tri-axle Leyland Olympians outside Caister Road depot

They were four of a batch of ten LM class Olympian new to China Motor Bus during 1993

Subsequently transferred to Britain in 2004, they were re-registered in the K480-9EUX range; K480 was 30106 in the First fleet with K481-9 receiving consecutive fleet numbers from 30097 to 30105

For a few years they operated in the Glasgow area and were subsequently delivered to Great Yarmouth from Rotherham after being painted in Barbie 3 livery.

They still had evidence of their First Glasgow heritage which was visible in the form of stars on the destination boxes and windscreen stickers - which can just be discerned on 30101 in my photo

K481EUX was the only one of the ten to survive and is now in preservation with its original colours of blue and white and delivered registration of FW3858

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