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Monday 22 September 2014


D926NDA on Magdalen Way in Gorleston 
Earlier this morning I received a tweet from Jamie Skinner who took a photo of an unusual visitor to Gorleston

He obviously wasn't dreaming as his photo proves. It shows Anglian Ruskin University's MCW Metrobus D926NDA running along Magdalen Way

The decker, previously National Express West Midlands 2926, is travelling around the East of England visiting schools and colleges where it will be offering advice and guidance about Higher Education to pupils.

Recent legislative changes now mean that schools and colleges are responsible for delivering information about careers and further study directly to their students, rather than using external careers advisors.

Today it will be at East Norfolk Sixth Form College during the third week of a six week tour around the region

It was also present at yesterday's Showbus event at Duxford

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