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Saturday 20 September 2014

Showbus Time Again

Well its that time of year again when all us "Anoraks" visit Duxford for the annual Showbus event, it returns to Cambridgeshire after a year away at Long Marston.

I decided to have a look back through my collection and share some photos from past Showbus events, as you will gather both Danny Beales and Chris Speed are good friends of mine and so i have been lucky enough to travel with First to the event on numerous occasions. 

I think the first Showbus for me was 2001 and the entrant from Great Yarmouth was Dart G457KNG which wore the Blue & Yellow Blue Bus livery, driven by Des Speed. The following year saw the arrival of the fleet of Plaxton Paragon Coaches for the X94 and so 209 AO02RDU was chosen to be entered and myself and Chris spent the Saturday night at Caister Road cleaning and polishing her for the big day and we were rewarded by winning the award for Best Transbus/Plaxton vehicle at the show!

A Youthful Chris Speed and the prize for best Transbus vehicle 2002

Great Yarmouth Depot has always entered a vehicle for Duxford and in the past various types have been chosen to make the trip, 2006 saw Routemaster NML623E in Flying Banana livery, 2007 a newly repainted Volvo B10M 20119 N619APU, 2009 it was X1 Gemini 37572 AU58ECW and 2010 saw newly arrived Plaxton President 32212 LT52WTV on show, just a few of the numerous entrants
2006 saw NML623E make the trip from Caister Road
from Caister Road!

This year will see a mini invasion from First Eastern Counties with 3 Enviro 400's, 66957 in the new Ipswich livery and heritage liveried 32479 (my steed for the day!) and a Norwich based vehicle is also expected.

Over 400 vehicles are expected at the Imperial War Museum site and its always a good social event where lots of familiar faces meet up
Newly repainted 20119 in the 2007 sunshine
and have a chat.

So here's to a good day out and fingers crossed the Duxford downpours stay away and the sun will shine on us all!

I know Roy is unable to attend so i will be supplying a report on the days events in his absence and sharing the odd photo along the way so come and say hello, always nice to put faces to names.


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