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Saturday 25 October 2014

Norwich 2008, Need a Loan? Part One

Dart MX56HYB carried Scania number 65563
Enviro Dart KX07OOW carried 65568
Early 2008 saw changes to the rules regarding vehicle emissions in Castle Meadow, Norwich. Eastern Counties begain sending their Scania single deck vehicles away for engine modifications to comply with the new regulations meaning various vehicles were loaned in to cover the missing fleet.

Various different types were noted on the streets of Norwich , some noted carrying fleet numbers of the vehicles they were standing in for.

Other First Group companies supplied vehicles including First Manchester, Glasgow, West Yorkshire and Leicester.

The first set of photos show vehicles that came from various dealer stock which included a pair of Alexander Enviro Darts KX07OOW/OOX which carried an array of odd destinations whilst in use as you can see from the photo of one of them!

HV52WSU as 65559 in Norwich Bus Station
Plaxton Darts SN53LWR & MX56HYB were noted along with Caetano bodied HV52WSU

In the second part of this special post I will show some of the various vehicles from other First companies that were loaned in which included brand new Volvo B7RLE's from West Yorkshire, a troublesome B7TL Gemini from Leicester and a very elusive B7L from Glasgow!

Part two will be online shortly!

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