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Friday 31 October 2014

Steam Bus In Lowestoft

The Steam Bus at Kensington Gardens
Regular contributor Tim Major writes

'An event that may not have got on the radar of East Norfolk Bus Blog was a Model Engineering Exhibition at Pakefield School last weekend. 

At the same time a Model Boat Exhibition taking place at the Kensington Gardens on the clifftop at Kirkley. 
The Sentinel is seen here outside Pakefield School

Linking the two locations was a service provided by a 1932 Sentinel S4 Steam Bus from Bressingham Steam Museum. 

I believe the bus forms part of the Saunders Collection and the bus previously ran on a route in the Lake district. 

The Body of the vehicle is of fairly recent construction, the vehicle spent a large portion of its life as a lorry.'

Many thanks for the report and photos Tim and yes I didn't get to hear of the event!

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