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Friday 5 December 2014

Bernies Special

ALX400's 32064, 32058  and 30880 'photobomb' the Olympian line-up of 34186, 34111 and 34108
After our well received post of yesterday regarding the five deckers on Bernard Matthews duty, the blog's Facebook report also received a lot of attention

It generated a lot of interest from First staff too with the outcome being that all of the remaining active Volvo Olympians would be lined up this lunchtime on the front forecourt for a never to be repeated photo opportunity of buses used on the Bernard Matthews contract

Prior to the photo call, the sun came out too and we thought we were in for some good pictures. However, when I arrived only 34186, 34111 and 34108 were on display together with three ALX400s

Missing the display was 34109 - sidelined with an ECU fault
Apparently 34114 had nipped to Market Gates and 34109 was inside the depot with an electrical fault having passing its MOT yesterday

However, it wasn't too long before 34114 returned to complete the line up of all four active Volvo Olympian double deckers

All four currently active Volvo Olympians with them all displaying 'Contract' on the destination screen - not an easy feat!

Routemaster NML623E 
Following the photo call, Danny Beales, Great Yarmouth Operations Manager, took us to the rear yard to view the last Olympian built, 34110, which unfortunately is uneconomical for First to repair.

The remaining two other Olympians (34112 and 34113) were also at the back of the depot

Also present was Routemaster NML623E looking very good in its nice new coat of paint

My thanks to Danny Beales and Sheldon Rees at First for organising the impromptu photo call.

It was good to meet follow enthusiasts SteveW, Jamie Skinner, Colin White and Richard Delahay

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