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Friday 2 January 2015

Megabus Duty

Megabus Volvo KD07HDJ with Scania YT62HZX behind
Firstly a happy new year to you all and secondly apologies for lack of posts to the blog in the days after the Christmas break

This has been down to a couple of reasons - a few days stay with my daughter on the south coast and problems with my WiFi on my return. The latter has been resolved temporarily whilst the replacement hub is being dispatched

My first post this year concerns Freestones Coaches of Dereham. This has resulted from one of our regular reporters moving to a new job with the company which involves regular duties on its Megabus service between Norwich and London

The photo shows Plaxton Panther bodied Volvo B12B KX07HDJ at Freestones premises on the 28th December prior to working the 13:10 from Norwich to the capital.

Another of Freestone's Megabus liveried coaches, Scania/Irizar YT62HTZ, can be seen in the background

My thanks to Tom Baker for the photo and information

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