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Saturday 14 March 2015

Memories of Norfolk Motor Services

When I published my post and photo of Norfolk Motor Services Ford VEX170L, as part of the Throwback Thursday theme, I didn't anticipate the large response I would receive!

A general view of Norfolk Motor Services' garage site at Fullers Hill in November 1984 showing the damage
It was meant as a 'fill in post' to keep regular readers interested in the blog, but it generated a great response from you all. To add to the interest I have also unearthed some more photos of the operator's vehicles from my photo albums

On that point both regular correspondents Tim Miller and Michael Sayer have pointed to photos of the company's coaches existing on Flickr. By just entering 'Norfolk Motor Services' in the search box the result can be found HERE. After moving through the photos you will be surprised by what you will find - including some black and white ones!

Grahame Bessey also reminds me there was a pick up point in Salisbury Road almost opposite the current Great Yarmouth High School. If my memory serves me well, Seagull Coaches had a presence there too. Newcomers may ask why - it was due to the fact that there were a large number of hotels and bed and breakfast accommodation in close proximity

Plaxton bodied Ford R1114 289 YEX129S outside the temporary premises in Trinity Place off Southgates Road
Mick Capon, the oracle on Great Yarmouth area bus and coach operations, contacted me from the USA with some observations and additional information
'I can remember them well, my parents used their extended tours for many years. Incidentally, my parents ran a shop and dairy on Fullers Hill. The NMS garage there was on the site of my former school and church, St. Andrew's, where I was chorister and altar boy.
I can remember the Duple boded half-cab Tigers and Duple Britania Reliances. In later years the fleets was almost exclusively light-weight Fords.
Granville were based in Grimsby and their vehicles wore the dark blue and cream livers of the Blackburn Group. A joint express service was operated between Great Yarmouth and Grimsby for many years, which I always thought an unlikely route,
I also seem to remember that when the company ceased, some of the newer Fords were snapped up by Cobholm Hire Services (Caroline)'

Another Ford R1114 in the NMS fleet was 288 YEX127S, delivered new to the company in April 1978
Robert Kelly contacted me via Facebook saying 'I remember the fire at Norfolk Motor Services was Tuesday 21st August at 0530 and there where four coaches in the fire'

David Marshall tweeted 'I was a engineer at NMS, from 1974 as an apprentice through to final days in 1984, I think the fleet no of VEX190L was 249. There were three sisters 248, 249 and 250 - they were the last in original NMS colours then went to Sunrise Travel lighter blues'

To conclude, my photo album reminds me that the company ceased all operations from the end of December 1984

My thanks to everyone who responded to the feature and the photos accompanying this post are from my own collection. Apologies for the comparatively poor quality

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