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Sunday 1 March 2015

Postcard From Worthing Day 2

Little to report today as I was either visiting relatives or driving, plus a Sunday service was in operation as well!

However, a visit to the paper shop first thing meant  crossing the busy Brighton Road which Stagecoach uses for its 700 route. As I left the shop I noted a decker heading towards me in the far distance

Scania 15990 YN64XSU on Brighton Road in Worthing in its new Coastliner livery on the 700
As it was a sunny morning (and as I just so happened to have my camera with me!) I got into position for a shot and hoped that traffic in the other direction wouldn't spoil the photo

I needn't have worried as the driver saw me and slowed so that I could get a reasonable photo of Scania 15990 YN64XSU - very much appreciated

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