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Saturday 7 March 2015

Reader's Query

Following my recent report on the sale of former Great Yarmouth Swift WEX685M by Nigel Blair to Messrs Speed and Beales, Paul Turner contacted me to ask if Nigel still has Preston Panther MCK229J in his possession

Nigel confirms that he still has the Leyland Panther which was, until recently, housed at the same Yorkshire location as WEX685M. The sale of the latter will help with the former's restoration

He tells me that it been a slow restoration job due to work and personal commitments. At the moment the exhaust manifold and silencer have been removed for repair and he hopes to continue with the work once the lighter evenings and warmer days arrive. So hopefully it will be seen again on the road again one day he says!

My thanks to Nigel for the information and photo which will no doubt satisfy Paul's curiosity

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