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Thursday 19 March 2015

#TBT Ambassador Travel C917BPW

Another day delving into the photo albums and this time I have come up with a photo of an Ambassador Travel double deck coach with National Express Rapide branding

MCW Metroliner C917BPW is seen on St Peter's Road at the side of the old Eastern Counties Wellington Road Bus Station in Great Yarmouth during the summer of 1987

C917BPW was one of a batch of four new to locally based Ambassador Travel in March 1986. The four had a CH55/16Dt body configuration and were registered C915-8BPW with corresponding fleet numbers 915-918. A similar number joined the fleet from Midland Red Express

After being displaced from National Express work C917BPW was one of many receiving open top conversion by Ensignbus for use on open top sightseeing tours in London. It is not known whether 917 continues to see gainful employment. If anyone knows I would be pleased to hear from them

Other photos of C917BPW can viewed HERE on Flickr

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