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Wednesday 4 March 2015

Update on Yarmouth/Lowestoft Refurbs

Had a meeting with First Yarmouth operations Manager Danny Beales this afternoon and he has updated me on the current situation regarding the refurb program of the Volvo B7TL/ALX 400 Fleet.

30889 ready for the trip to Rotherham this morning. Photo Roger Bellward
32058 was taken to Rotherham on Monday with 32064 returning to Caister Road for MOT, she will return North next week for repaint with completed 32061 returning in its place.

30901 at Rotherham about to head back  Photo Roger Bellward
30889 from Lowestoft has headed North this morning with 30901 returning home. 30900 remains at Rotherham. This then leaves just 30888 to be done.

The trio of 32059, 32062 and 32063 still await their turn to head to Rotherham


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