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Monday 27 April 2015

First Repaint Update

Things have recently gone a little quiet on the local repaint front. However, the plan for today was First Great Yarmouth's ALX400 32059 would be taken to Rotherham today with 32063 coming back to Caister Road

32059 sharing the forecourt with Olympian 34108 ready for the first run to Bernard Matthews
So the former was ready for its trip up north at 04:30 but, on arrival at Rotherham, 32063 was not ready for the return trip as an area of the bus requires further treatment

Lowestoft's ALX400s 30900 and 30889 are ready to head south
Instead Lowestoft's 30900 will be returning today and it is thought that 32063 will return to Caister Road on Thursday

My thanks to Roger Bellward for the information at photos

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