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Monday 6 April 2015

Greenhouses at Copdock

My last post on the blog featured a Caroline Seagull coach at Copdock Services which was then located to the south of Ipswich where the A12 and A14 roads join

The site had a Welcome Break located there and provided an opportunity for coaches and buses from almost anywhere to stop off.

Regular contributor Jim Long used to look in there at weekends especially at the busy periods and says this was his 'Beach Coach Station'

E41OAH joined the local fleet in August 1987 and later saw work with First Northampton and First Edinburgh 
During the late 1980's and early 1990s, Great Yarmouth Blue Buses used this location for a toilet and refreshment break on day outings and I remember being on at least two of their excursions calling there

E40OAH arrived in September 1987 and subsequently received a mainly white livery for a local builders' merchant
Jim has emailed photos of the two East Lancs bodied Volvo B10M-50s new to Great Yarmouth in 1987. Known affectionately as East Lancs 'greenhouses' the bodywork was to a CH45/33F configuration. They later both joined the Eastern Counties fleet on takeover and saw subsequent use with First Northampton. At least one of them (E41OAH) also served with First Edinburgh

Sadly coaches no longer stop there as the Welcome Break facility has gone to be replaced by a Mothercare and Burger King

Many thanks for the photos Jim - I can well remember the 'greenhouses' running about Great Yarmouth and even used them to get to work


  1. You mean there's no pic of me stopping there in 1989/90 after swapping an Ipswich Buses Atlantean over while on Boro'line - my first ever visit to Constantine Rd depot - and getting told off for signing for a meal at Copdock Services when I had no passengers? I don't know - no stamina these photographers!!

  2. Thinking about that stomach again!

  3. Years of careful love and nurturing have gone into that! I had been towed up from Dartford that day by rigid bar and no power steering or heating and was well hungry by time I stopped for my dinner!
