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Tuesday 21 April 2015

Latest on Olympian W437CWX

First's W437CWX in the rear yard at Caister Road
in December last year
Some three weeks ago I wrote a post concerning the possible future of the last Volvo Olympian built for use in the UK - namely W437CWX

Since that date, the post has gone viral and has been the most viewed on the blog ever - amazingly over 30% more viewings than the previous highest one

Not only was it well received, but it generated a considerable number of enquiries from would be preservationists.

Fellow blogger SteveW was instrumental in getting someone from his home county of Kent interested, which later fell through.

An Essex preservationist also viewed the decker and local enthusiast, Jamie Skinner also tried to save it but his attempt was also in vain

Not surprisingly a considerable amount of interest has been shown from within Yorkshire bus preservation circles as well. As you will have seen from the original post, which can be viewed HERE, the decker was new to Yorkshire Coastliner in June 2000

W437CWX in the rear yard this morning as viewed from Harley Road
I understand from a reliable source at First that there are presently seven parties willing to take on the project and that discussions are still ongoing.

Whilst finance is certainly a consideration, the decision made will also reflect the determination of the selected party to succeed and able to provide a suitable home for 34110

All I can say is watch this space!


  1. We have some volvo olympians In scotland bannock burn depot

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
